Brandon Vasquez

Dr. Brandon Vasquez received his PhD from the University of Toronto and is a registered clinical neuropsychologist with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. His primary clinical role is at Baycrest Hospital, where he specializes in memory intervention for individuals with moderate-to-severe memory impairment due to acquired brain injury. The intervention program, called Memory Link, involves training clients to use commercial technology (e.g. smartphone apps) to improve their functional memory. He has also developed an educational workshop for healthy older adults to teach them how they can use their smartphones as memory aids.
Areas of Research / Educational Scholarship
One area of Dr. Vasquez’s research examines predictors of how individuals with anterograde amnesia implicitly learn (with training) how to operate smartphone apps for memory compensation. His work also involves developing methods to expedite skill learning in amnesia for the purpose of improving daily memory functioning. Additionally, he is investigating intervention outcomes for daily functioning following memory strategy training, including aspects of ongoing external aid use, occupational engagement, community participation, and self-care.