Departmental Policies

Termination of Registration

The Department may recommend that the School of Graduate Studies terminate a student’s registration from the MScOT program based on the following grounds:

Regulations for Assignments

All written assignments must be:

  • Word-processed or typewritten, double-spaced, on one or both sides of the paper, and on white paper. Papers, which are legibly hand-written in ink on lined paper, using every other line, on one side of the paper, may be accepted, at the discretion of the course instructor, with prior agreement.
  • Submitted with a cover page with the Title of the Assignment, Course Code and Course Name, Course Instructor’s Name, Date of Submission and Student Number. The student’s name should not appear anywhere on the assignment.
  • Submitted at your assigned campus

Citations & Style

  • All references and sources of information are to be cited according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2001).
  • Assignments submitted in an unacceptable form may be returned to the student to be redone and will be considered late if submitted after the original due date.

Submission Details

  • For late assignments, where no extension has been granted by the course instructor beforehand, 5% of the total possible marks for the assignment will be subtracted from the student’s mark for each day that an assignment is late. After 7 days (including weekends), no mark will be given for the assignment, as it will be then assigned a grade of zero, i.e., fail.
  • Plagiarism and other academic offences will not be tolerated.

Discussing a Course-related Matter

If you have questions or concerns regarding your academic life, including personal matters affecting your academics, the following steps are recommended in addressing the issue.

  1. Meet with the Course Instructor
  2. Meet with your assigned Faculty Advisor (if it is not possible to approach the Course Instructor or if the issue is not necessarily academic but will influence academic performance and/or student life).
  3. If the issue is not resolved, make an appointment to meet with the Graduate Coordinator or UTM Academic Coordinator (or Program Manager, in the absence of the Graduate Coordinator)
  4. Should the issue not be resolved, contact to make an appointment to speak with the Chair of the Department