Calendar & Timetables

Curriculum Overviews

Major Annual Events

1. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Conference:

OT professionals and OT students will be exploring OT through presentation, discussion, exchange of ideas and research. Click here to see more about it!

2. Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy Graduate Research Day

In 1997, the University of Toronto established The Thelma Cardwell Annual Lecture Series to honour one of Occupational Therapy’s most prestigious alumna, Thelma Cardwell. Held in June of each year, this event showcases the Year Two student research. Click here to learn more.

3. MScOT Student Leadership Day: Shaping the Leaders of Tomorrow

The MScOT Student Leadership Day is a comprehensive, full-day workshop that prepares students for leadership roles and activities in their future careers. This engaging and interactive event builds students’ confidence, enhances their leadership abilities, and equips them with the tools needed to excel both academically and professionally.

More about Student Leadership Day

What Students Experience:

  • Explore Foundational Leadership Concepts: Throughout the day, students are introduced to a variety of leadership models and theories. These concepts are presented in a way that directly connects to their future professional roles, helping them understand how leadership plays a crucial part in their careers.
  • Reflect and Learn Through Real-Life Scenarios: Students engage in discussions and activities that encourage them to reflect on their own experiences and those of others. By analyzing these real-life scenarios, they gain valuable insights into effective leadership practices and how to navigate complex situations.
  • Develop Practical Leadership Skills: The workshop focuses on equipping students with actionable strategies and approaches that they apply during their studies, fieldwork, and beyond. These practical skills are designed to be immediately useful, helping students feel prepared and confident as they step into leadership roles.
  • Craft a Personal Vision for Leadership: An important part of the day is dedicated to helping students develop a personal vision statement. This vision serves as a roadmap for their leadership journey, guiding them as they make decisions and take on new challenges in their careers.

Throughout the day, students collaborate with experienced faculty, industry leaders, and their peers. This collaborative environment fosters the exchange of ideas and experiences, ensuring that students leave the workshop with a well-rounded understanding of what it means to be a leader. By the end of the day, students gain not only new knowledge but also the confidence and skills needed to lead with purpose and impact.