gOT Spirit Challenge 2015

During the month of October, students from the University of Toronto organized and participated in various initiatives to promote Occupational Therapy!


University of Toronto Campus Promotion Day
On October 14th, both first and second year OT students ran a “Promoting OT Booth” on UofT’s St. George campus. Students and by-passers were given the opportunity to ask about Occupational Therapy and UofT’s MScOT program. This sparked exciting conversations abut what Occupational Therapists do and the various practice contexts they work in.


CAOT’s #31dayOTchallenge
Students at UofT were challenged to participate in CAOT’s #31dayOTchallenge. To promote Occupational Therapy, students talked to someone about Occupational Therapy everyday in October and tweeted about it using the #31dayOTchallenge and #UofTOT hashtags. The winner from each class was presented with an I heart-OT mug!
Mugs with I Love OT Logo


Blue Jays Spirit Day


On October 19th students wore their Blue Jays gear show our class spirit and support for the team!
Class wearing Blue Jays team clothing


OT Celebration Day


To close the OT month activities, students and faculty at the University of Toronto collaborated to organize our annual OT Celebration Day on October 23rd! Those that attended participated in various activities, ate cake, had ice cream, and much more!

Cake that says Celebrating OT Month
gOT Spirit Video


Please check out our gOT Spirit video that students at UofT created to promote the profession of Occupational Therapy. The video features an OT game show and a zombie that seeks help from his Occupational Therapist! (LINK TO VIDEO COMING SOON!)